Wednesday 4 April 2007

Breaking News

As you may have seen, reports are coming in that the Iranian President has just said he intends to free and pardon the hostages "as a gift to Britain".

We are awaiting further confirmation of the genuine release of the hostages before making any decisions about this evening. We will update again soon.


Anonymous said...

You've linked to the BBC, that well known hub of leftist appeasers. Can we trust the BBC in their analysis of the situation? Perhaps 'free and pardon the hostages' when quoted from the BBC actually means he is going to behead them after ensuring they swear allegiance to the ummah? ;)

Arleen Ouzounian said...

seriously the captives have been freed, they are on their way to the British Embassy. (I do agree that the BBC are quite left).

Arleen Ouzounian said...

Besides, Sky news reported it....